We are a Trusted Strategic Partner that inspires, leads and enables best-in-class supply chain. GS1 standards improve the efficiency, safety, security, sustainability and visibility of value chains across physical and digital channels in 25 sectors.

GS1 has 118 member organizations around the world.
Over 2 million companies around the world use GS1 standards.
Over 1 billion products around the world carry GS1 barcodes.
More than 10 billion GS1 barcodes are scanned every day.

The Global System of Standards

GS1 Canada is one of 116 GS1 Member Organizations around the world. GS1 has been partnering with industry globally for more than 50 years—even before we introduced the very first barcode on a pack of gum in 1974. Today, GS1 barcodes are scanned 10 billion times a day and GS1 standards are the most widely used system of standards in the world.

What We Do

Our scale and reach help ensure that GS1 standards create a common language that supports systems and processes across the globe.

In Canada, through our unique community management role, we collaborate with business leaders, industry boards, advisory councils and industry Community Groups to develop standards, guidelines and non-proprietary business solutions. Partnering with industry, we provide education and implementation support to subscribers of all sizes across multiple sectors.

When directed by industry, GS1 Canada develops ECCnet Industry Managed Solutions to address specific sector-wide, non-competitive business process issues, designed to enable organizations of all sizes to meet Canadian trading and regulatory requirements.

GS1 Canada is a global leader in delivering the highest quality, perpetually cleansed and updated bilingual product content, becoming the one true source of data excellence for Canadian industry.


We believe in the power of global standards to transform the way we live and work.


GS1 Canada's vision is to be a Trusted Strategic Partner that inspires, leads and enables best in class supply chain.

Core Values

  • We are guided by integrity always.
  • We actively demonstrate inclusive collaboration.
  • We strive for innovation.
  • We act with accountability.
  • We aim to super-serve subscribers.

GS1 Canada's Roles

Standards Developer

  • GS1 Canada’s primary role is the development of global standards that create a common foundation for business by uniquely identifying, accurately capturing and automatically sharing vital information about products, locations and assets.
  • Global standards level the playing field for business of all scale and are used to enhance business processes across the value chain.
  • We develop global standards in partnership with the industry experts and business teams who use them in their work.
  • GS1 Canada is responsible for representing the requirements of Canadian industry at the global level with global standards-setting bodies.
  • Our participation in the Global Standards Management Process (GSMP) ensures that global standards meet Canadian trading partner and regulatory requirements.
To learn more about Standards, visit our Standards page.