ECCnet Locations

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ECCnet Locations is the party and location information service by GS1 Canada. It is a central, online, searchable database of accurate location information including Global Location Numbers (GLNs) and GLN-related details (for example street address, city/town, province, postal code, etc.) for Ship To and Bill To locations to support trading partner transactions.

The GLN is a 13-digit, globally unique GS1 identification number that can identify any location in the supply chain and is used in the exchange of business documents via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

ECCnet Locations helps ensure products arrive at the right place

It was created in response to industry-identified needs to facilitate more efficient operational activities and help drive down supply chain costs.

ECCnet Locations Features

  • Anytime location look-up, available online, 24/7
  • Downloading capabilities for users to integrate trading partner location information into internal systems
  • Automated notifications to alert users when trading partners update or add new locations

ECCnet Locations in Healthcare

ECCnet Locations launched in the healthcare sector first in 2011; other sectors will follow. GS1 Canada is currently working closely with the healthcare community on the assignment of GLNs to uniquely identify locations across the Canadian healthcare supply chain, which will be listed in ECCnet Locations.

Today, many organizations in the supply chain from suppliers to healthcare facilities use internal codes to identify locations. Use of GLNs as a common standard across the healthcare sector for identifying locations will:

  • Streamline ordering and receiving processes
  • Enhance patient safety
  • Generate cost efficiencies
  • Support administrative productivity

Note: To access ECCnet Locations you need to have a valid GS1 Company Prefix Licence.
Get Your Company Prefix Licence Today!

To obtain a GLN for your organization, contact GS1 Canada:
Phone: 1.800.567.7084