ProSYNC Release Notes

Release notes provide an easy-to-read summary of what has changed since the last release. Read release notes to help identify important issues that might help you make informed decisions when synchronizing your data with your trading partners. As well, release notes can be a great source of up-to-date information about new features and enhanced features.

Release Number Release Date
ECCnet Industry Managed Solutions Attributes 2024-11-18
ECCnet Industry Managed Solutions Attributes 2024-05-27
ProSYNC 2.3.27 2024-03-04
ProSYNC 2.3.21 2023-11-27
ProSYNC 2.3.16 2023-08-21
ProSYNC 2.3.15 2023-07-31
ProSYNC 2.3.14 2023-07-04
ProSYNC 2.3.13 2023-05-23
ProSYNC 2.3.11 2023-04-03
ProSYNC 2.3.10 2023-02-27
ProSYNC 2.3.7 2022-05-30
ProSYNC 2.3 2022-02-14
ProSYNC 2.2 2021-11-15
ProSYNC 2.0 2021-09-27
ProSYNC 1.7 2021-07-26
ProSYNC 1.6 2021-06-28
ProSYNC 1.5 2021-04-26
ProSYNC 1.4 202103-22
ProSYNC 1.3 2021-03-01
ProSYNC 1.2 2021-02-01
ProSYNC 1.1.2 2020-11-02
ProSYNC 1.1 2020-07-13