
Can-Trace was a collaborative and open initiative committed to the development of traceability standards for all food products sold in Canada.

Can-Trace logo

About Can-Trace

Can-Trace was established and operational from 2004 to 2006 with the support and funding from the Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program (CFSQP), an association that worked to increase long-term growth, employment and competitiveness within Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector.

GS1 Canada was the secretariat for Can-Trace and managed the initiative alongside sponsoring associations.

Can-Trace offered a voluntary, transparent, and inclusive forum that allowed primary producers, intermediaries, processors, packers, manufacturers, distributors, brokers, retailers, operators, and consumers to participate in the development of a national traceability initiative.

In 2004, Can-Trace completed and validated the first version of the Canadian Food Traceability Data Standard. Adaptable for different food and agriculture sectors, this standard is based on a one-up/one-down model of sharing traceability information, using international data carrier standards. Also released were reports on:

Can-Trace is an industry-led initiative that fosters open dialogue within the supply chain ensuring that the necessary framework for Canadian traceability is designed for implementation.

Mission Statement

The mission of Can-Trace was to define and develop minimum requirements for national whole-chain tracking and tracing standards based on the GS1 System.

Can-Trace was an industry-led initiative that fostered open dialogue within the supply chain ensuring that the necessary framework for Canadian traceability was designed for implementation.

Value Proposition

Can-Trace offered a voluntary, transparent, and inclusive forum that allowed primary producers, intermediaries, processors, packers, manufacturers, distributors, brokers, retailers, operators, and consumers to participate in the development of a national traceability initiative.

Program Funding

GS1 Canada recognizes and appreciates funding from the Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program (CFSQP). The CFSQP works to increase long term growth, employment and competitiveness within Canada’s Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada as part of their commitment to provide information, research and technology, and policies and programs to ensure security of the food system, health of the environment and to promote innovation for growth.

Who Were Involved

Major Canadian food supply chain stakeholders were involved in Can-Trace, including industry, government, standards organizations, and consumers. In addition, Can-Trace was directed by a Steering Committee composed of more than 20 national trade associations and government observers.

Voting Members

Name Organization
Christine Jean Council of Food Processing and Consumer Products
Dennis McKerracher Canadian Pork Council
Elaine Smith Food and Consumer Products of Canada
Ward Hanlon Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers
Kevin Tufts Canadian Produce Marketing Association
Mac Cole Canadian Meat Council
Patrick McGuiness Fisheries Council of Canada
Robin Horel Canadian Poultry & Egg Processors Council
Sophie Jacquement Fonds de développement de la transformation alimentaire inc.


Name Organization
Melissa Struthers Canadian On-Farm Food Safety Working Group
Callie Archer Consumers’ Association of Canada
Dan Lutz Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Brett McConkey Canadian Cattle Identification Agency
Gwen McBride Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Jocelyne Galloway Canadian Federation of Agriculture
Jacynthe D’Amours Ministère de l’Agriculture, Pêcheries, et Alimentation du Québec
John Girvan Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
John Taylor Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
Tom Feltmate Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Isabelle Beriau Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Anita Stanger Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Glenn Cherry Canadian Livestock Identification Agency/Holstein
Sally Rutherford Dairy Processors Association of Canada
Nicole Sillett Dairy Farmers of Canada

Past Chair

Name Organization
Jane Proctor Canadian Produce Marketing Association


Name Organization
David Rideout Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA)

Vice Chair

Name Organization
Connie Kehler Saskatchewan Herb and Spice Association

GS1 Canada

Name Organization
Eileen Mac Donald GS1 Canada

The Communications Working Group’s primary desired result was open, transparent and ongoing communication about Can-Trace’s progress and its status.

The Communications Working Group was comprised of representatives from the following organizations:

  • AdFarm
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance
  • Canadian Health Food Association
  • CPMA
  • Dalhousie University
  • Fond de développement de la transformation alimentaire inc.
  • GS1 Canada
  • Intentia Canada
  • Alberta Agriculture, Food & Rural Development
  • Saskatchewan Herbs and Spice Association/National Herb and Spice Coalition

The Standards Working Group developed appropriate standards, guidelines and best practices for food traceability in Canada, maintains and updates the standards and guidelines in a public and open manner and provides expertise and advice to other Can-Trace initiatives or working groups as necessary.

The Standards Working Group was comprised of representatives from the following organizations:

  • Aliments Carrière Inc.
  • Agricorp
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Aqua Neuve
  • Avendra Canada Inc.
  • BC Gulf Trawler’s Association
  • Better Beef
  • Canada Cartage
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • Canadian Pork Council
  • Canadian Product Marketing Association
  • Canadian Association for Pharmacy Distribution Management
  • Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors
  • Canadian Cattle Identification Program
  • Conseil TAC
  • Farmer Direct
  • Fonds de développement de la transformation alimentaire inc.
  • FSGA
  • GS1 Canada
  • Holstein Canada
  • Kraft Canada Inc.
  • Lean on Me
  • Linnet Systems
  • Loblaw Companies Limited
  • London Drugs
  • Le ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec
  • Metro Inc.
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries
  • Neptune Foodservice
  • quiTech Inc
  • Sobeys
  • The Oppenheimer Group
  • The Traceability Innovations Group
  • Viewtrak Technologies Inc.

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Why Can-Trace?

Can-Trace at a Glance

Can-Trace at a Glance is intended for those who are:

  • considering implementing a traceability system.
  • not familiar with traceability or traceability systems but who wish to research what is involved in implementing such a system.
  • looking for a quick reference document on traceability and Can-Trace.

Can-Trace Roadmap

During September and October 2003, Can-Trace conducted a series of consultation sessions across Canada to gather support for the initiative and to obtain feedback on:

  • whether there was a need for a voluntary industry data standard for food product traceability;
  • what key data elements a traceability data standard should include;
  • the adoption of a common harmonized approach to food product traceability; and
  • a strategy or a "roadmap" for achieving the objective.

The result was the publication of the "Roadmap 1" document in December 2003, which laid out step industry action plan to guide this ambitious undertaking.

Download Documents


Fast Track, Can-Trace's Newsletter

The Fast Track newsletter provides regular updates on Can-Trace and traceability in Canada across various industry sectors.

Global Traceability

Background Documents

Global Standards Documents


Country of Origin Labeling
On May 13, 2002, President Bush signed into law the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002, more commonly known as the 2002 Farm Bill. One of its many initiatives requires country of origin labeling for beef, lamb, pork, fish, perishable agricultural commodities and peanuts. As described in the legislation, program implementation is the responsibility of USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service.

GS1 Canada
GS1 Canada is the not-for-profit, industry-led organization that promotes and maintains global standards for the identification of goods, locations and related e-commerce communication such as bar code issuance and maintenance. As a GS1 Member Organization, GS1 Canada represents Canada in the continuing development of the global language of business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we be concerned with traceability issues?

Recent animal health and food-borne illness scares in all parts of the globe are creating a demand for source verification, food safety and supply chain identification of food products. While most governments have established processes and systems to ensure food quality and safety (i.e. HACCP), it has been human error, in part, that has created the spread of diseases and illnesses, which in turns has created the need for an established product traceability standard for the food industry.

Given the pressing nature of many of the drivers (both domestic and international regulations) of product traceability, the Canadian supply chain is required to implement traceability to answer these various regulations.

What is traceability, tracking and tracing?

Traceability is the ability to trace the history, application or location of that which is under consideration (ISO 9001:2000).

Tracking is the capability to follow the path of a specified unit and/or lot of trade items downstream through the supply chain as it moves between trading partners. Trade items are tracked routinely for availability, inventory management and logistical purposes. In the context of the Can-Trace Food Traceability Data Standard version 1.0, the focus is on tracking items from the point of origin to the point of use.

Tracing is the capability to identify the origin of a particular unit located within the supply chain by reference to the records held upstream in the supply chain. Units are traced for purposes such as recall and complaints.

What is the role of Can-Trace?

The mission of Can-Trace is to define and develop voluntary minimum requirements for national whole-chain tracking and tracing standards, utilizing the EAN.UCC global system where applicable within the supply chain.

Can-Trace is a voluntary industry-led initiative that fosters open dialogue within the supply chain ensuring that the necessary framework for Canadian traceability is designed for implementation.

Can-Trace’s minimum requirements must leverage existing data capture and management solutions when creating a traceability solution. Some Canadian primary producer food manufacturers, processors, distributors and retailers already have significant investment in product identification schemas and IT systems. Any identified solutions will leverage these investments to control cost and speed implementation.

How did the Can-Trace initiative come about?

In 2003 federal, provincial and territorial Ministers of Agriculture agreed on a landmark agreement, entitled the Agriculture Policy Agreement (APF). They agreed to work together on 5 objectives to 2008:

  • Food Safety and Food Quality
  • Environment
  • Science and Innovation
  • Renewal
  • Business Risk Management

To support and move quickly forward with the APF there was a need for a unique, national, multi-commodity standards-based traceability solution.

Can-Trace was launched in July 2003, with the assistance of leading national trade associations. Shortly thereafter the Can-Trace Steering Committee was created, comprised of representatives from these leading national trade associations. GS1 Canada acts as the secretariat and more than 20 national trade associations, several provincial governments and the federal government are active Steering Committee members.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is funding Can-Trace from the Canadian Food and Safety Quality Program (CFSQP). The program works to increase long-term growth, employment and competitiveness within Canada’s Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada as part of their commitment to provide information, research and technology, and policies and programs to ensure the continued security of the food system and health of the environment and to promote innovation for growth.

Who is involved with Can-Trace?

Major Canadian food supply chain stakeholders are involved in Can-Trace, including industry, government, standards organizations and consumers. In addition, Can-Trace is directed by a Steering Committee composed of more than 20 national trade associations and government observers.

Is the Can-Trace standard voluntary or mandatory?

The implementation of the Can-Trace standard is voluntary. It is up to the different commodities as well as the players in the supply chain to choose to implement the standard in their business processes. Some sectors however, abide by provincial and international regulations (i.e Quebec’s requirements for beef in 2005, the bio-terrorism act and EU regulations) and will therefore be required to implement traceability if they wish to retain their marketshare and comply with the requlation environment.

How are we going to verify that the standards ensure traceability?

Initially, Can-Trace focused on four key sectors, beef, pork, seafood, and fruits and vegetables to develop the minimum data requirements for produce, beef and pork are being pilot tested within their supply chains to ensure their effectiveness to deliver traceability. In the longer term, Can-Trace Working Groups will define the minimum data requirements for other commodities and multiple ingredient products.

What is the difference between the Can-Trace standard and the traceability systems?

The standard refers to the flow and the nature of the information that should be transferred throughout the supply chain. The systems refer to the technologies or methods used to carry, transfer and archive the information.

Can the Can-Trace standard be applied to all commodities?

The current focus of Working Groups is on single ingredient products. The long-term objective is to develop minimum data requirements for all commodities and multi-ingredient products produced and sold in Canada.

Are the standards the same for all supply chain stakeholders?

The model is based on a one up/one down (chain of possession) approach to share information with immediate trading partners. Depending on the location in the chain, each stakeholder will collect, keep and share a defined type of information.

How is government involved in this initiative?

Can-Trace receives a portion of its funding support from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada through the Canadian Food Safety and Quality Program (CFSQP). In addition, federal and provincial governments are observers on the Can-Trace Steering Committee. (See question 4) The initiative was initiated to help meet the objectives of the Agriculture Policy Framework. Federal and provincial government representatives participate in Can-Trace Steering Committee and in the different Working Groups.

Do all commodities have to comply with the Can-Trace standard?

As the Can-Trace standard is voluntary, the objective is to have the standard available for all commodities. The decision to implement them will be made at the company or sector level, and will depend on the risk associated with the commodities, the market pressure, and the international or internal regulations.

How does an organization implement the Can-Trace standard once they have decided to adopt it?

Can-Trace Working Groups will develop implementation guidelines on a sectorial basis to assist companies.

What is the basis for Can-Trace standards?

One of the requirements from industry was that the standards created for food product traceability in Canada must be internationally compatible, whole chain in scope, capable of accommodating multiple commodities and flexible enough to enable integration and leveraging of other systems. The EAN.UCC system together with ISO formed the foundation for Can-Trace standards. These standards meet the identified requirements and are widely adopted in many countries for traceability and product identification.

What GS1 Canada’s role in Can-Trace?

GS1 Canada is the secretariat of the initiative and provides standards and technical expertise.

Can-Trace is funded in part under the Agricultural Policy Framework - a federal - provincial - territorial initiative managed by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.

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